April 25, 2022 Update
All papers to be included in the proceedings volumes – IPDPS 2022 for the main conference and IPDPSW 2022 for the workshops – have been uploaded. At least one author of each paper must be registered for the symposium by April 15th in order for the paper to be published in the proceedings. Presentation of an accepted paper at the conference is a requirement of publication. Any paper that is not presented at the conference will not be included in IEEE Xplore.
See instructions below to submit the following materials for the conference:
- Due by May 10th
OPTIONAL VIDEOS – Main Conference Authors Only
- Due by May 15th
PRESENTATION FILES Instructions – Due by May 10th
- All Main Conference Authors are required to submit a PRESENTATION file as a pdf to accompany their paper in the proceedings. The slides to be submitted should be that of their 18-minute live presentation (corresponding to about 15 minutes presentation + 3 minutes questions).
- All Workshop Authors may submit a PRESENTATION file as a pdf to accompany their paper in the proceedings. The workshop in which their paper is to be presented will notify them about requirements and specifications for the file to be uploaded.
Check the Advance Program to confirm the session number or the workshop acronym (e.g., ABCD).
IPDPS AUTHORS (Main Conference)
Naming the pdf file of your presentation:
ipdps22_session#_last name of first author
Naming the pdf file of your presentation:
ipdps22_ABCD_last name of first author
* Note: If you decide to upload a revised version, then add as follows: …author_rev1
Note: Authors will not be permitted to submit new versions of their papers.
IPDPS AUTHORS (Main Conference)
To submit/upload the required presentation pdf file as specified for papers in the main conference, return to the Author Submission site (below) where you uploaded your paper for the proceedings and follow these instructions for Presentation File Submission.
To submit/upload the required presentation pdf file as specified for your paper in the workshop where your paper is to be presented, return to the Author Submission site (below) where you uploaded your paper for the proceedings and follow these instructions for Presentation File Submission .
Workshop authors should contact their workshop for file requirements, if they have not received guidelines.
OPTIONAL VIDEOS – Main Conference Authors Only - Due May 15th
Note: The FTP server will only recognize files saved as .mp4 using the H.264 encoding.
- Main Conference Authors will present their technical papers live via the virtual platform in 18-minute time slots (15 minute presentation plus Q&A) on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. See the Advance Program for the session in which your paper is to be presented. All presenting authors must be registered to have access to the sessions.
- The live sessions will be recorded and made available to registered attendees during and after the conference.
- In addition to the live sessions, main conference authors are invited and encouraged to upload a full (25-minute) video presentation of their work. These full-length talks will be available to all registrants for asynchronous viewing.
- Authors will receive email by May 1st with full instructions for uploading the file to the conference FTP server by the due date of May 15th.
Important Notice: The 25-minute video does not replace your participation in the live paper session where your paper is scheduled.
Many applications can be used to record video, but Zoom offers a simple solution that provides solid results. The settings described in the pdf file and video of instructions below are specific to Zoom, although the basic guidance should work for any app you choose.
The FTP server will only recognize files saved as .mp4 using the H.264 encoding.