37th IEEE International Parallel &
Distributed Processing Symposium
May 15-19, 2023
Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront Hotel
St. Petersburg, Florida USA
Preface to Report
Excerpt from the Proceedings Message of the 2023 General Co-Chairs:
We are thrilled to be able to welcome you to St Petersburg and to have all of us back to an in-person IPDPS meeting. Our conference has survived three years of remote planning and virtual programming, and we hope this setting will help our community recover the vibrancy and commitment to the strength of international cooperation in applying computer science technology to the betterment of our global village. Thus, our first expression of gratitude goes to the IPDPS community who have stayed the course with us, and to all of you who stepped up to serve on committees and to organize the programs that are part of IPDPS 2023.
Along with the three keynote speakers listed below, the main conference included the 95 contributed papers selected for presentation in 19 technical sessions, which in a departure from previous years ran in only two parallel tracks, with the objective of creating a livelier networking experience for attendees. This year was seen as the time to try new things, and organizers will be interested in feedback from attendees. The 20 workshops (including the merger of ExSAIS with PAISE) presented 154 papers for publication, and most offered keynote talks and invited presentations. The PhD Forum held lunch-time mentoring sessions for the 16 students who were accepted to present their research poster. This year, Supermicro joined us as an industry partner and set up a demo table for attendees to visit during breaks.
IPDPS 2023 Workshops proceedings – IPDPSW 2023 – will be available by the end of summer and posted here.

Tuesday, May 16th
Fifty Years of Parallel Programming: Ieri, Oggi, Domani or Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Keshav Pingali *
The University of Texas at Austin and Katana Graph Inc.
*Recipient of the 2023 IEEE Charles Babbage Award
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Wednesday, May 17th
The adventurous life of a system software researcher
Dilma Da Silva
National Science Foundation & Texas A&M University
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Thursday, May 18th
Future workloads drive the need for high performant and adaptive computing hardware
Ivo Bolsens
Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Adaptive and Embedded Computing Group, AMD
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IPDPS 2023 Best Paper Award
ByteTransformer: A High-Performance Transformer Boosted for Variable-Length Inputs
Authors: Yujia Zhai, Chengquan Jiang, Leyuan Wang, Xiaoying Jia, Shang Zhang, Zizhong Chen, Xin Liu and Yibo Zhu
See Best Paper Candidates here
IPDPS 2023 PhD Forum Poster Awards
1st place - Bingyi Zhang for
Software and Hardware codesign for High Performance Graph Neural Network Inference
2nd place - Josef Hammer for
Distributed On-Demand Deployment for Transparent Access to 5G Edge Computing Services
3rd place - Di Zhang for
Optimizing Resource Management for Machine Learning Workloads in High-Performance Clusters
2023 IEEE TCPP Outstanding Service Award
This award recognizes an individual (or a group of individuals) in the broader community who have made major professional service contributions to the parallel, distributed, and high-performance computing community.
2023 Winners:
Michael Heroux, Sandia National Lab., USA
Alba Cristina M. A. Melo, University of Brasilia, Brazil
IPDPS Sponsorship
The IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium serves as an international forum for engineers and scientists from around the world to present their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel and distributed computing. It is a premier conference in its field and serves as the flagship event of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing and is sponsored in cooperation with ACM-SIGARCH and SIGHPC.