IPDPS 2013 Details

General IPDPS Info



Hosted By

Boston University

U Mass

IPDPS 2013 Student Travel

A limited number of travel assistance grants are available for all IPDPS 2013 student authors. They are administered by the IPDPS sponsor TCPP, the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing. Priority will be given to students -based on merit- who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference and to graduate students presenting their own published work. Notice of grants awarded will be made prior to the conference.

The grants will be distributed post-conference in the form of reimbursements against actual travel, registration and accommodations expenses submitted by the student. The amount of the grants will be based in part on student travel requirements, quality of paper/poster, and on TCPP funds availability. Notification of awards will be made in late March.

To qualify for a student travel assistance grant, a recipient must be:

  • author of an accepted conference, PhD forum, or workshop paper and be registered for the conference,
  • Student Member of IEEE Computer Society at the time he/she submits an application, and
  • full-time student regularly registered toward a degree in computer science, engineering or related field at a university.

To apply for a grant:

  • Complete the information in the downloadable pdf form.
  • Obtain your advisor’s endorsement & signature on the form.
  • Prepare the completed application form along with your paper-poster acceptance notice and all reviews as a single pdf file. The file name should include your full name. This file will be your submission file at the EasyChair site.

To submit your application:

  • When your pdf file is ready for submission, go to the EasyChair submission site for IPDPS 2013 Student Travel. At the New Submission page, you will need to provide the following information before uploading your pdf submission file. To help us more easily review your application, please provide all of the information as described below (noting that some items duplicate what is already on your application form).


In Authors section, enter contact information.


In place of Title, enter your last name followed by title of your paper.


In Abstract area, enter: 1) Budget Justification (less than 5 lines) and 2) for US students only, the following optional information:
a) Gender (Male or Female),
b) Minority Status (Yes or No),
c) Citizenship (US-Citizen, Permanent Resident or International Student).


In place of Keywords, enter ipdps student travel.

  • Applications should be submitted by March 15, 2013.
The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP) acts as an international forum to promote parallel processing research and education and participates in setting up technical standards in this area. Issues related to the design, analysis and implementation of parallel systems and solutions are of interest. These include design and analysis of parallel architectures and algorithms, and application development on parallel machines. TCPP sponsors professional meetings, brings out publications, sets guidelines for educational programs, and coordinates academia, funding agency, and industry activities in the above areas.

2013 Registration

March 26th Deadline for Advance Registration

Registration Details

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