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Submission Deadline
January 25th, 1999

Welcome to the IPPS/SPDP 1999 CD-ROM publication guidelines. This site is intended as a resource to help authors in preparing and submitting electronic files for the CD-ROM publication of the conference proceedings. Authors with additional questions about preparing content specifically for the CD-ROM should send email to ipps99@cparity.com. A list of paper numbers and their corresponding papers can be found here.

Workshop chairs should familiarize themselves with the content below, and then read the further instructions for submitting workshop papers.

Preparing Your Document

The format for the CD-ROM publication is Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). Documents are converted from PostScript (Level 2) to PDF using Adobe's Acrobat Distiller. Your cooperation in preparing the electronic PostScript files is essential for producing quality PDF files. (PostScript files can be prepared from most applications by using the "print" command to print to a file. See an example of printing from Microsoft Word for Macintosh and Windows users.) Those authors who wish to submit their own PDF files are welcome to do so, but please be aware that additional bookmarks will be incorporated into your file for the purpose of navigating the final CD-ROM product.

Perhaps the most critical aspect in creating quality PDF files is the use of scalable Adobe Type 1 fonts (also known as postscript or outline fonts) throughout the document. Other fonts, including those commonly employed by TeX and LaTeX, are bitmap fonts and do not render well on computer monitors. For this reason, we encourage all authors to employ the Times or Times Roman font in their document.

In addition, when preparing images and figures to be embedded in the final PostScript file, please refrain from using custom halftones or pattern fills. Solid colors and greyscale fills will produce a more readable PDF document. PDF does handle color and authors are encouraged to use color in their papers and figures. Make sure to select a color printer driver when preparing the the PostScript files. Acrobat 3.0 also also allows for multimedia attachments to the PDF document. Authors wishing to submit multimedia files related to their paper should consult the Media Guidelines.

Authors using non-Latin character based authoring tools should make sure to submit single-byte character files. Please do not use double-byte characters. Authors are also requested to format their documents to fit within an 8.5 x 11 paper size.

Submitting Your Document via FTP:

  1. Log on to the ftp site, ftp.cparity.com, as anonymous.
  2. Type your email address as the password.
  3. Set the transfer mode to binary. On most systems this is done by typing binary or bin at the ftp prompt.
  4. Do not send any compressed files.
  5. Go to the directory incoming/< your paper id > where < your paper number > is the three digit number assigned to your paper as communicated to you by the program chair along with the author kit. (Convert numbers less than three digits to three digits by adding zeros to the beginning. I.e. 1 become 001.)
  6. Place the PostScript file of your paper and a README file (in ASCII text format) in this subdirectory. The README file should include, but is not limitted to:
    • paper number
    • paper title
    • list of authors (and their affiliations/organizations) in the same order as listed on the paper.
    • authors' email addresses, in same order, for inclusion in the CD-ROM
    • contact information (in case of problems processing the paper) - preferably an email address.
    • any special instructions or comments (for example, "note title change" or where to include multimedia files)
  7. Submit any additional files, as necessary. I.e. multimedia material or LaTeX source files.

Although you will be able to list the contents of your sub-directories, you can neither read, delete files nor create subdirectories.

If you are unable to find or place files in your subdirectory, then place the files in the incoming/temp directory using your paperID as a filename and the appropriate .ps/.pdf/.txt extension.


If you must resubmit your files (due to late alterations in the text or an interrupted/ incomplete ftp session) you can either email ipps99@cparity.com and request all conflicting files be removed from your subdirectory and then resubmit as detailed above OR submit the corrected files with some common postscript (for example "paper_RES.ps") and include a README_RES indicating which files are now valid. In either case, send mail to ipps99@cparity.com to alert us of these changes.

IPPS/SPDP 1999 Proceedings on CD-ROM
Parity Computing: www.cparity.com