35th IEEE International Parallel &
Distributed Processing Symposium
May 17-21, 2021
To All IPDPS 2021 Registrants: The video recordings of the conference openings, keynote talks, main track paper sessions, community meeting and awards session are available on demand for 30 days post conference on the virtual platform. In addition, the videos for PDSEC, iWAPT, PAISE, RADR, HPS, and ParSocial workshops are also available. Thank you for attending IPDPS 2021. We hope to see you next year in Lyon, France, at IPDPS 2022!
Report on IPDPS 2021
Excerpt from the Proceedings Message of the 2021 General Co-Chairs:
We are pleased to be able to welcome you to the 35th edition of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2021). This is the second year that we are unable to meet up in person, but we have had a chance to improve our virtual meeting skills, so we are hoping to provide an online meeting experience that gives good value to attendees and helps showcase the invited speakers and the contributed papers that make up the program for this year. We had looked forward to holding the conference in Portland, Oregon, but what a difference a year makes.
We have all had varying experiences in meeting the challenges of the pandemic year, personally and professionally, but our international community has coalesced to carry on the networking and collaboration required to organize a conference of this caliber. We believe that the heart and soul of the conference is as vibrant as ever and that the same level of rigor and the usual high standards of previous years have been supported to create the technical content of the main conference and eighteen workshops.
While the program committee conducted their work for the main conference, and the workshops solicited submissions and invited speakers, the organizers explored the options for presenting the conference virtually. In parallel, the Computer Society Conference Services staff were building their toolkit for supporting the virtual conference format. Further, most of the conference community were also learning how to conduct their research and educational programs in virtual and online and remote modes. Thus, our first expression of gratitude goes to the IPDPS community who have stayed the course with us, and to all of you who stepped up to serve on committees and to organize the programs that are part of IPDPS 2021.
On Monday and Friday, the eighteen workshops will conduct their online programs, utilizing several virtual platforms and providing live and asynchronous discussions. This year we were able to restore the PhD Forum to our program, and on Monday there will be breakout sessions for presenting and discussing the fourteen posters accepted for the conference. The Main Conference program on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday includes four keynote talks and 22 technical sessions of contributed papers, including the plenary Best Papers session on Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 18th
A Tale of Two C's: Convergence and Composability
Ilkay Altintas
San Diego Supercomputer Center |

Wednesday, May 19th
12 Ways to Fool the Masses with Irreproducible Results
Lorena Barba
George Washington University |

Wednesday, May 19th
Is Asymptotic Cost Analysis Useful in Developing Practical Parallel Algorithms
Guy Blelloch
Carnegie Mellon University
2021 Babbage Award Recipient |
Thursday, May 20th
From Parallelization to Customization – Challenges and Opportunities
Jason Cong
IPDPS 2021 Best Paper Awards
xBGAS: A Global Address Space Extension on RISC-V for High Performance Computing
Xi Wang, John D. Leidel, Brody Williams, Alan Ehret, Miguel Mark, Michel A. Kinsy, and Yong Chen
Consistent Lock-free Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent for Fast and Stable Convergence
Karl Bäckström, Ivan Walulya, Marina Papatriantafilou, and Philippas Tsigas
Redesigning Peridigm on SIMT Accelerators for High-performance Peridynamics Simulations
Xinyuan Li, Huang Ye, and Jian Zhang
Designing High-Performance MPI Libraries with On-the-fly Compression for Modern GPU Clusters
Q. Zhou, C. Chu, N.S. Kumar, P. Kousha, S.M. Ghazimirsaeed, H. Subramoni, and D.K. Panda
2021 IEEE TCPP Outstanding Service Award

Presented by Erik Saule on behalf of TCPP Awards Committee to:
Prof. David A. Abramson
University of Queensland, Australia
In recognition of his exceptional and sustained contributions to the international parallel, distributed and high-performance computing community, including his visionary leadership of innovative international initiatives, tireless service to conferences and societies both globally and in Australia, and a tremendous record of mentoring of young researchers. |