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Friday, May 5th    8 AM – 12 Noon 

The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit

Dr. Ian Foster
Senior Scientist and Associate Director
Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory & Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago

Anyone interested in understanding what Grid computing is about and how to approach Grid application development.

Emerging high-performance networks promise to enable a wide range of emerging application concepts such as remote computing, distributed supercomputing, tele-immersion, smart instruments, and data mining. However, the development and use of such applications is in practice very difficult and time consuming, because of the need to deal with complex and highly heterogeneous systems. The Globus grid programming toolkit is designed to help application developers and tool builders overcome these obstacles to the construction of "grid-enabled" scientific and engineering applications. It does this by providing a set of standard services for authentication, resource location, resource allocation, configuration, communication, file access, fault detection, and executable management. These services can be incorporated into applications and/or programming tools in a "mix-and-match" fashion to provide access to needed capabilities.

This tutorial is a practical introduction to programming for high-performance distributed computing systems, or "computational grids," and the capabilities of the Globus grid toolkit. Our goal in this tutorial is both to introduce the capabilities of the Globus toolkit and to show attendees how Globus services can be applied in specific applications. Hence, the tutorial covers a mixture of grid programming principles and detailed case studies of real applications.

For more information on Globus, click here. For a description of the GUSTO grid testbed supported by Globus, and some of the application projects that use Globus, click here or here.

Dr. Ian Foster is Senior Scientist and Associate Director in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory and Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago. He co-leads with Globus project with Dr. Carl Kesselman of USC/ISI.

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