About the IPDPS

Industrial Track

IPDPS 2002 Industrial Track Schedule

Kiran Bondalapati, AMD
Industrial Track Chair
IPDPS 2002

Welcome to the IPDPS 2002 Industrial Track. This event features invited technical presentations from leading companies in the field of parallel and distributed computing systems. Our goal is to enhance the extent of technical interaction and research collaboration between the industrial and academic circles. The presentations provide an excellent opportunity for researchers from industry to promote awareness about their recent technological advances, and also to obtain feedback from a diverse audience. 

This year, participating companies include Hewlett-Packard, Linux Networx, and YottaYotta as well as a representative from Entropia. Industrial track presentations are open to all IPDPS registrants.

The presentations in this session represent the diversity in system
architectures and solutions for parallel and distributed computing at
different hierarchies from SMP nodes to grid computing.

The IPDPS Industrial Track is an outcome of the Symposium's commitment to promote interaction between the academic and commercial communities of parallel and distributed processing. If your company wishes to participate in next year's Industrial Track, please contact a member of the IPDPS Steering Committee.

Industrial Track
1:00-2:30 pm - Thursday, April 18, 2002
Chair: Kiran Bondalapati

Peppermint and Sled: Tools for Evaluating SMP Systems Based on IA-64 (IPF) Processors
Sujoy Basu, Sumit Roy and Raj Kumar, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories - Tom Fisher and Bruce E. Blaho, Hewlett-Packard Technical Computing Division

Linux NetworX
Issues Concerning Linux Clustering: Cluster 
Management and Application Porting

Joshua Harr and Greg Denault, Linux NetworX

Creating a National Lab Shared Storage Infrastructure
Wayne Karpoff, VP R&D and CTO of YottaYotta

Architecture of the Entropia Distributed Computing System
Andrew Chien, Entropia CTO & SAIC Chair of CS&E at UCSD

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